Hi Sayang, Apa Khabar Kamu Hari ini

Buat Penis Anda Besar Panjang dan Tahan Lama 

Talking about dating  is a taboo subject in Bandung. People shy away from the subject because traditionally Bandung are timid lots. This is probably partly due to the dating education or lack of it in Bandung that generally, people still regard subjects related to opposite dating relationship are forbidden. Secondly, it is probably due to the eastern culture itself which discourages people to talk about relationship openly. It is generally considered rude or uncivilized for someone to talk about opposite dating relationship openly and let alone about dating !
Back in Bandung, this is especially true among the Sunda where there are many dos and don'ts in their traditional customary and also due to the fact that Sunda are Moslems which perceive close proximity between different genders as sinful. Despite the general public perception about dating, there are still plenty of dating services in Bandung albeit operating discreetly. Firstly, it is to protect the identity of its customers - someone can easily be a target of joke if his or her friends find out that he or she has been getting services from a match making company. Secondly, to avoid a negative perception as such companies can easily be mistaken as vice dens.